Julia Taylor

Personal Finance Contributor

Julia Taylor is a freelance writer based in Nashville, TN. She takes complex business, financial, and technical topics and makes them easy to understand. You can find her work published on a variety of business blogs, including Paychex, Kapitus, Sanford Brown, Fortis Educational Institutes, American University of Antigua and Interest.com. She also earned her Bachelor’s degree in Business from the University of Tennessee and her MBA from Tennessee Tech University. When she’s not working on her next writing piece, you can find her working in the yard or spending time with her three teenaged children.

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3 free ways to pay your mortgage faster

Paying extra on your mortgage can shave years off your home loan and save tens of thousands of dollars in interest charges. Here's how to get all of the benefits of paying off your mortgage more quickly without wasting hundreds of dollars a year on an accelerated payment plan.